Misc Projects

I began from humble beginnings, my journey into web development started with the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Once I had a solid foundation in these core technologies, I began to explore different techniques and build more complex websites.

This site is my journey to becoming a web developer, reflecting my passion for learning and building beautiful and functional websites.

Dragons and Monsters

Dragon Trainer

I learned to programmatically collect and combine diverse but related content using APIs.

Then I had a blast learning to build a scrolling dynamic content box imposed over an ominous screen with a dragon.

Smelly Socks or Monsters?

Nobody likes smelly socks! In this game the monster is a sign of good luck!

This was a fun game that hightlighted game logic, graphics, and learning to add accessibility controls for screen readers.

Being Responsive

Manage Web Page

The manage web page design taught me about intrinsic design.

Intrinsic web design is a new approach to web development that focuses on creating flexible and adaptable layouts that can respond to any screen size or device.

The final frontier

In this cool project I followed Kevin Powell in building a responsive web page that used a NASA API to get detail about Mars.

Kevin Powell has taught me a lot about HTML and CSS. If you want to know more about him you can find his youtube channel here.

Find Kevin Powell here. Have fun!

Pop Quiz

A simple quiz

This quiz page looks very simple but it was completely generated using Javascript.

I learned various techniques for managing the questions and associated data in different structures.

Quiz results

The quiz results screen includes an infographic results meter that uses a linear gradient to show the results

It's not real pretty but it was really cool to build.